The American Cancer Society holds an annual event called Making Strides for Breast Cancer. This event not only raises funds for finding better drugs for this disease but also a cure and increases awareness. This is something, with the prevalence of breast cancer diagnosis in this country, everyone should rally around.
Rather than be a silent survivor sitting idly by, I decided to take action and get involved. I want to do all I can to prevent others from having to endure the treatment path I have experienced this past year. Thus, I formed a team called Make Some Noise. This event is a perfect venue to make some noise and draw media attention to breast cancer in this country.
A few weeks later, after forming my team, the American Cancer contacted me. They asked me to be a speaker at their annual local kick off breakfast held locally in Nashville, TN at the Wildhorse Saloon. I embraced the opportunity to speak for other women who have walked this path of recovery. It was a chance to tell others to not wait till diagnosed to get involved, do it now.
My speech's theme was Ava wants a cure, a beautiful young little bright eyed girl born in Nashville on Dec. 1, 2007 in the midst of my treatment. Ava is my granddaughter and every time I see her face and trusting eyes looking up at me, I cannot bear the thought of her, or any female I know, having to endure chemo therapy! I felt my speech hit its mark and several others that spoke after me, including the corporate sponsors, were truly inspirational. It made me proud to be involved in such a worthy cause.
A few weeks later, when I checked our team's site, I noticed our progress, or rather lack of it. Try as we might, we were having trouble getting folks to contribute financially and/or walk with us. We began a concerted effort to send out email blasts and speak it up at any networking opportunities we could. One day the co caption of our team, Sherry Marlow, mentioned her concern over hitting our goals to some folks at chamber meeting. Then the tide turned.
The very next day, Sherry was called and told several members of the Chamber wanted to host a fund raising event for our team. All the profit made by those participating would go directly to the Making Strides Campaign in the name of our team, Make Some Noise! They were right in their assumption, without a corporate sponsor, we could not make our goal. Thus began the meetings over this event and the quest to make this an outstanding event that will now be celebrated annually. This wonderful small group of individual business owners in Mt. Juliet has embraced this mission of increasing awareness of this issue and donations to fund breast cancer efforts.
What began as a phone call has now turned into a fun filled evening being held Sept. 25th at Scott Thomas Imagery complete with live music, donated door prizes, and goody bags for all attendees, A representative of both the American Cancer Society and the Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition will be present as well to have materials on hand for anyone wishing to ask questions or pick up free literature. Vendors that will have materials there are donating their proceeds that night for all sales to our team. We have several companies and establishments in the area contributing food and drink too for all attendees. We started off, just some individuals with a plan but no company willing to back our efforts. I know see clearly what we have and this has become, an opportunity to show one person or group truly can make an impact.
I live in Spring Hill, Tennessee and must say it is over an hour away from this small but progressively growing community of Mt. Juliet, TN. I am touched by their generosity to stand behind our team's efforts to make a dent in this cause.
Please, when traveling in or through Tennessee in the near future, be sure to stop off I 40 Exit. #226 and see this town where southern hospitality is truly extended to all!