As more and more children get diagnosed with autism, the
field opens up to continued
hypothesizes of what causes it and the best ways to
treat it. These include the practical to the outrageous. I am astounded by the reactions of the
public, in particular by those untouched by the diagnoses directly. And I must
admit, frankly I was in that class as of 4 years ago. That was until the advent
of my darling grandson Ty Ryan’s diagnosis in 2011. Now, as he celebrates tomorrow his sixth
birthday, May 29th, we honor not only his birth but his advances
with his therapy.
Herein lies a boy whose parents were told he would never
speak. And yet, one day I will never forget, his mother proudly called me to
tell me she had placed him in his car seat. As she was driving down the road
and dodging traffic, she clearly heard him say Mommy, not once but twice.
This is a boy, who though autistic children are often times
incredibly difficult if not impossible to potty train at a reasonable age, has
been trained at an appropriate age.
Most autistic children will not make eye contact with
strangers. Ty will most definitely do this and in addition to smiling says hello
when prompted.
The list goes on and on of accomplishments of this
astounding little boy. I think it is due
to parents that are steadfast in their devotion to pushing him the extra mile,
getting him the best therapists and also getting great therapy. And I also
believe he is gifted.
The last but the single most important element in this soon
to be six year old’s life is the presence of God. He is surrounded, at all times by Christians,
friends that believe in the power of prayer.
They believe in prayers for him, his family and for praying for continued
progress on his journey. His milestones
show that the prayers and faith are working.
Also we all know that due diligence and positivity matter.
As a grandmother of one of these very special chosen
children of God, please no longer ask me what is wrong with my grandson. Refrain from asking me if my children did
something to provoke this condition I
find this question offensive actually.
God makes things in life happen for a reason. I did nothing to provoke
cancer and they did nothing to create the condition of autism. Let us celebrate
his life!
Do not look at my grandson with anything but joy. Do not reflect on him sadly. He enjoys his
life and so should you. Children pick up on others perceptions of them. It is
wrong to label him anything but a child.
If you see me, my
children or anyone else struggling to control a smaller child, do not stare,
nor be judgmental. Kindly look
away. You are not always aware of the
child’s condition, what the parameters are.
I recall being at the Zoo Easter Hunt in line to enter the
event and my grandson was upset. Everyone in the line was staring at him. This
does nothing to aid the situation, not for him or any child for that
matter. What is the purpose of staring? It simply embarrasses the child and he is
receptive to feelings also. Please don’t embarrass autistic children; they have
feelings just like everyone else. Give them their privacy when they are
I am in awe of the progress Ty has made and of all the
hurdles he has climbed. It feels like he is continuing to defy the odds set
before him. Please continue to pray that
better forms of therapy will arise and more research dollars are funded to
continue the effort for this special population. May the next 6 years of young
Ty’s life be even better than the first 6!