- Kids raised in honest loving homes become confident children that tell it like it is with those they trust. As my granddaughter sends me occasional selfies, I decided, much as I hate mine, to send her one. Proud of me for actually hitting the button correctly without my son’s coaching, sitting in our car, off it goes without any photo editing. Note with no makeup either. Did I mention no make-up nor much time spent messing with my hair as a trip to Wal-Mart doesn’t necessitate doing that Follow up: “Grandma, what is wrong with you?” Next message: Grandma, are you okay? πππ You look different?” Next day “ Grandma do you feel better today?” Next time we talk on a live phone call: “Grandma (laughing) what the heck did you do that day to yourself when you sent that picture.
- Kids inherit the sense of humor of their parents and
like to have fun with their siblings at their sibling’s expense. One day, my granddaughter is talking about
her doggie she
- She prefers pictures to long texts. I don’t get answers back to long questions or get back “What Grandma?” No way am I retyping it. I am bored rereading it, my own stuff, now that’s bad to even have to admit! She just wants short stuff anyways. She even asks me sometimes simply “Send me an emoji back”π Okay, my passion for writing is wasted on her. And she tires of my wordiness. But she loves pictures so pictures it is but no selfies, at least of me! She is realizing now I am getting old in those pictures. One day those tough questions will come.
- Then I get the occasionally text out of the blue at any time of day or evening “Grandma what are you doing right now?” πππ I discovered quickly she didn’t find it that funny to say “Reading your text.” Sometimes I am doing something I don’t really want to say in a text so just I make something up! I just find these texts the best. I think to myself, wow, I am so blessed! She is bored and we’re going to have a long distance conversation and as soon as I exchange a line or two she says “bye, love you”. I am dismissed, like that with an emoji.ππ She is onto another text session with someone else! The life of a nine year old! Grandmas aren’t all that thrilling actually (insert sad emoji here)
- When I visited with her, it was funny to see that she found it easier to talk to me on the cell when I was in the same room than talk. Was that because it was noisy? Nope because as I looked around, everyone else had their cell phones or ipads too. We are a technology savvy family but so little time to talk live anymore its actually sad. I barely talk to my kids anymore, only texts. But, on the plus side, I must admit, living hundreds of miles away from her, these texts from my granddaughter are like the sun rising in the morning!
- A 9 year old has trained a 58 year old to carry her cell phone now to look for pictures to take. I want to show her exciting things she likes so she feels she is with me. I hate the texts that say “Grandma I miss you” but yet I love them. So I need to share my life with her. So I look for parts of my world that will excite her teach her, and things I think her parents will want her knowing. She keeps me young and I try to keep her knowing she is beyond loved, treasured no matter where I am.
a world full of turmoil and hate,
little girl brings me into a happy state!
a sound of a tweet,
jump to my feet.
I grab my cell
pound the keys like hell.
she is waiting a while,
when she receives it, she’ll smile.
Yeah, that cell phone was a gift. ☝ππWas it for her or for me?