When teens are in distress it is often due to anger issues.
These can be a result of so many things, anything due to stress from home,
in school with bullying, pressure from peers, and self-esteem
conflicts. So many see no way out so
resort to inappropriate coping skills.
We often see and meet many adults that do this as well. The jails are full
of them as are the work place. Parents on the sidelines are screaming at their
kids, being nasty to the referees, and bosses believing that cutting down their
employees to size are the way to lead.
The value system established at a young age is instrumental
in shaping a young person’s life. Getting them started on a path of not only
self-discovery but goal setting and action steps is so very important with
today’s youth. To teach a teen how to overcome the haphazard and hurdles they are
sure to face in this world is to build a better tomorrow for all of us. It may
lead to happiness, success and the lack of total despair so many face.
Thus, many have heard my husband and I talk about Midcourse Correction
Challenge Camp in Michigan. We established
a fund there in honor of my step-son, my husband and his ex-wife’s Kay’s only
son, Dan Bronold. This is to give Dan’s
life a legacy of helping others accomplish what he could not, a chance of
breaking free from a stereo-type of trouble-maker. He had what so many suffer from in our youth
in society, the lack of thinking he could be someone bigger than who he was and
never really believing in himself. The potential was always there if he had
only had found the faith. This Camp does that to so many and it helps parents
reach their kids in a different kind of way.
We wanted to reach out to let folks know that support this
camp the mailing address for donations has changed. So whether you give in
support of Dan’s fund or just give to reach youth at risk, please pass this
changed address on.
Correction Challenge Camp
Attn: Dan Bronold Memorial Fund
833 E. Grand
River Ave.
MI 48843