Through the best and the worst of times we experience the
myriad of what we call life. No one gets
the choice of siphoning out which parts we can alone experience. Thus, our history, past present and future
comprises a mish-mash of both. 2014 was,
to many, a time of challenges, personal growth, joyful memories and personal
This past year, the world scene underwent some very negative
news stories that upset homes, governments and families everywhere. It was easy
to see how these tensions could carry over to personal lives as well. However, with media attention towards
controversial topics there creates dialogue.
Hopefully, eventually with this communication, solutions will ensue.
Compromise, though, does not seem to come easily anymore. Even within our American soil, there is a
pervasiveness to be right rather than resolve issues.
The success stories of what has gone right in the world, in
our country and in our communities is not as newsworthy to networks as the
negativity for some reason. I suppose it doesn't make as good of a headline, eye-catching. But these stories, moments of happiness, of
mountains conquered also were compiled through-out 2014. Even with a government that many want to hate
and condemn for not getting enough done, has still maintained our
democracy. Many Americans are holding
down jobs, are home owners, have the freedom to carry arms retaining their
liberties and freedom of speech and are able to move at will. Be critical of
the US Government and president if you will but note also many other nations
treat people like second rate citizens in their own land. So another year went by, 2014, and with all
the terrorism going on, we remained free, a blessing not to be taken ever for
granted. It gives us continued hope for more positive change.
When I review my life this past year I have seen some
wonderful things come into my life. I
had not returned to a special camp for cancer survivors in many years called
Camp Bluebird. This past spring 2014 I
returned. It opened my eyes and my life
to a new circle of friends that I had met before here.
This time, going to this three day camp by myself, it took
those relationships to a whole new deeper level. There is no turning back, even
if I wanted to. The commitment to
continued growth and the bond we share from fighting cancer, some still
fighting that battle is an unspoken thread of love that ties us together. It allows for unconditional regard and a surrogate
family that is responsive to each other’s needs and prayers in an eye-opening
kind of way that perhaps was remiss in my life.
I can say 2014 brought the miracle of Camp Bluebird into my life. As one of the leaders says in part, you can’t
hurt me too bad, “I am a Bluebird damn it!”
Debbie Thomas of the American Cancer Society and I have
spent a great deal of time together this past year. With her encouragement and my passion towards
finding better cures and treatment for breast cancer, I increased my
involvement in a big way towards the annual event to raise funding for Strides
against Breast Cancer in Nashville, Tennessee. Having worked in the past as the
Director of Corporate Development for the American Cancer Society, I know how
critical the success of this event is to the programs for breast cancer and
expanding research in this field. Many
do not realize too, that the research expands well beyond simply breast cancer,
thus other forms of cancer benefit from these dollars.
Thus, I helped in several areas for the event this year with
my primary role being working with not only Debbie but a special lady out of
Memphis, Sarah Byrum, on social media. Twitter and Facebook were intended to increase
the awareness of Strides. The end goal was to increase team numbers, dollars
and involvement. It helped considerably but we found it can be improved on even
more in 2015. I am proud of the
foundation that was built this past year. Yes, pink passion in social media for
Nashville hit its mark! So many carried
the torch and ran with it.
It has always been important to me to not only continue my
education learning from others but to impart what I have learned. Not being
employed anymore outside the home poses more challenges to this and yet I have
so much more to give. Thanks to the
wonders of marketing and social media, I have been engaged much more heavily this
year on Twitter. This forum has provided
me the opportunity to meet so many diverse individuals. I have learned from many others of varying
degrees of expertise and also imparted my knowledge base gathered from working
and personal experiences. It has been
rewarding to feel as if I have helped others have some insight and growth
moments in their life. Helping others is what I feel we are called
to do.

Friends are priceless commodities. This year reinforced this fact more than
ever. It was a time to reevaluate which
ones are the stand-outs. Who is there
with you for the long-haul? Who has your
backside? As you get older, friends begin feeling more like family. No longer are you bound because of your
children playing sports together because your children are grown, flown the
coup. Your friends choose to be around you.
They actually like you, respect you, and care about your opinions even
if you are on opposite sides of an issue.
My husband and I
realized we have a closer relationship with a few of ours in particular. Whether
we see them often or not, they and we are a phone call away. If needed, that is all it takes for one of us
to be there for each other. This year
showed us that one of God’s blessings is giving us friends like this and
recognizing the value of them.
My relationship with my husband has deepened tremendously
this year. Our years together have put
us through uphill climbing and some fun rides down hills laughing through
twists and turns. There were years when
the heart-ache threatened to break us but the bonds of matrimony have gotten
stronger and shown us our love is unique.
What we have we are unwilling to ever walk away from, we are willing to
fight for and die for. We have held each
other in tears, in anger and in laughter finding that, through it all, we can
survive all kinds of weather. How many
times we have found new ways to define our life as circumstances have changed
and necessitated that we do so. We push
each other to get off the pot, and move forward. This year
was no exception. 2014 reiterated again we
believe in each other and support each other 100%. We can be happy as long as we have each
Oh boy, 2014 taught me that I wasted 14 years! Too much time in my marriage was spent not
fostering a better relationship with my sister-in-law. She began calling me once a week when she retired
and it was a joy. I think, in the beginning, I started wondering what the
motive was, if something was wrong.
Once my guard was down and I just enjoyed the calls, the relationship
began to develop. I had regrets that it
took so long for us to get close. But,
things happen for a reason so perhaps this was the year this was supposed to occur
so I am thankful it did, she called and I answered! I look forward to what we do and learn in
the years to come!
Christmas was spent
in NYC with Jim’s niece and all that side of the family. Wow, what a wonderful time! What were we thinking not getting up there
sooner? Why speculate. We need to quit
wasting time and bite the bullet, find the money and spend more time with my
husband’s side of the family. We have
hardly spent any time up there during our 14 years of marriage and truly it was
one of our best Christmas’s together.
We were surrounded with laughter, love and a feeling of love, acceptance
and giving. Jim’s family is full of
laughter, craziness, activities, openness, acceptance and all the good things
Jim and I are about and want in our life.
We value these qualities. 2014 reminded us we have family we have
neglected that wants us to be an active part of their live and we have let them
down by not making time for them.

This past year there have been some very special memories
with my grand-daughter Ava, and grandsons Ty and Jake. As they get older, the memories are different
and in some respects, easier to remember because they are more interactive. Having said that, any memories with them are
special. Having Ava for a few days over the summer was
a very special time for both Jim and I.
She still continues to make us smile with her innocence and her desire
to make everyone around her happy. As both boys continue to surprise everyone
with their progress from their therapy for autism we beam with pride and pray
for continued improvement.
Little did I know at the time that my visit with my grandson
Kaleb in Feb. would be the last time I would see him. Thus, 2014 visiting with my grandson was
special indeed and I will treasure that time. His silly faces he makes and his
teasing me with his silliness. That is
something grandmas don’t easily forget.
I wish his Grandpa Jim had had a chance to say good bye in 2014 but
somehow I know God will make certain Kaleb knows in his heart his grandpa never
stopped loving him. Kids somehow know
these things. That week with him will
always be a special time for me in 2014! I feel blessed I had it, amen!
My husband and I made more of a commitment to have fun in
life and do more things for us. And we
did. We are limited as to what we can
do, but within our means, we did find things we could afford to do and we did
those and had a blast! Renting a cabin
with my sister and her friend for the weekend was heaven. I finally got to see my nephew play on his
high school varsity football team out of town and he was great! We went and visited a close high school
friend overnight I hadn't seen in ages.
We went to see a Broadway show together.
We went to an amusement park and even one time took our granddaughter to
one! The list goes on, and from the smallest on the list it is all good. Life
truly is what you make it. Don’t hold
your breath waiting for tomorrow to come.

2014 had its low moments, for sure but it had some
incredible moments too I wouldn't trade for the world. It showed us we can forge ahead and change
directions no matter what gets thrown at us.
It is kind-of like playing dodge ball.
After you get hit, do you just stand there or do you move towards a new