Dear friend of long ago,
Dear friend you entered my mind,
At the timing of what I thought was my death,
when I found myself quite short of breath.
Just like a rose that suddenly blooms,
Or a familiar beloved tune,
The image of you caused me to smile.
I sat in awe and silence -
Reflecting on the warmth I felt
When we were together
Our walls seemed to simply melt.
We had a safeness in each other,
Something youth doesn't often find
We had a shared faith in God,
That surpassed the moment, surpassed us.
It made our foundation something we could trust.
As the winds changed, we let it slip away.
Choices took us in different directions,
Far from our beautiful connection.
God is stronger than we,
He is watchful of His children,
He was watchful of you and me.
He let us have our space,
He let us contribute to the human race.
We moved on with our lives
With our own unique experiences,
Letting our diversity and uniqueness
Keep us both on a growing journey -
To self fulfillment of some sort.
But then,
Sure as the sun sets each day,
A message came our way,
From Him.
Remember, be connected.
Why? We individually asked
After all these years?
Why are we to reconnect?
What are we meant to reflect?
Oh, so many years and tears have gone by?
This seems hard to do Father,
Are you sure we should bother?
The answer is in the sunrise and the sunset.
Even with the passage of time
True bonding, real friendship and kindred spirits
Stay connected, stay reflective and still care.
Reconnect ....that special place still exists.